Introducing The New

A redesigned menu system and homepage makes it easier to find key content such as Skylight Geometries, Engineering and Design Assistance, Project Spotlights, Documentation and more!

Performance Testing

We also added a brand new page that highlights the rigorous performance testing procedures that ensure their product is the top in the industry.

Have you seen the video? Head over to their YouTube Channel and get subscribed so you don’t miss any other video releases from Acurlite!

New Functionality

On-page PDF viewing site-wide ensures you don’t need to leave the page you’re on to view content like: 2D Detail Drawings, Independent Test Reports, our Installation Manual, and Brochure.

Video Gallery

A brand new video gallery is your one-stop-shop to watch all of their video content, including short clips and in depth looks into their company and processes.

Optimized Mobile Experience

The mobile experience has been re-tooled from the ground up, to make it easier than ever before to access their entire content library in the field, no matter the device you decide to use.

Acurlite News

Acurlite has a lot more in store in the coming months so be sure to keep up with their latest news.